Saturday, May 21, 2011


Today's the day, it has been said. Would that be EST or PST? It's much later in New Zealand. These are, I guess, notes to myself and to my 2 followers ! How are you two stalwarts? Glad to see you! Haven't tried to guide people here much and the few places that list my blog have an old first try that's out of date and no longer exists. That's o.k. (I'm not going on any sky trip unless I can take my little dog!).

Another old fur friend has passed away. Flora, my beauty, died in her sleep two days ago - just about 4 months after her brother and littermate, Bobo, also passed. They were both 14 years old, plus. I miss them both.

I'm still making pots. That's the forever thing. Trying to keep it all together.
Chris was asked to be a kind of visiting artist at the local elementary school. Pictures here are of him and the students making paper mache' salmon - that coincided with the salmon unit they were studying. He's enjoying working with the kids. And he's paid.

It's shaping up to be a beautiful spring and summer. The garden's starting to pop!