Monday, January 10, 2011

Jan.10, 2011

Looking for something cheerful to write about. I started to do some new work in clay, featuring red-winged blackbirds. Nothing very cheery about all those birds dying in Arkansas - 3,000? five, fifty thousand? Anyway it brought up all those blackbird songs, and that poem by Wallace Stevens about Thirteen ways of Looking at a Blackbird, etc... Then the new year started lobbing the misery balls at us. First a family situation (which may actually make good comedy material in years to come) but then the insanity of the past weekend in Tucson.
Oh, and Bobo continues to take his time leaving the planet - the cancer definitely winning. We made him comfortable on the porch...his favorite spot, and at my daughter's request, played a compassion mantra cd. He's really her dog, but he lives here with us, and he's our dog too. Today is probably the day and he always preferred sleeping under the stars. It's stopped raining for a few days, and we have him covered in blankets. He'll be 14 in a week or so. He's had no pain, thanks to pain medication.
Chris cut more firewood today. It's how we heat our house and studio. His cold is nearly over, thankfully, and I've been trying to get over mine. Donna gave me a bottle of Umcka - a homeopathic medicine that seems to help. From a pretty African flower.

A pleasant conversation about jazz brightened my day. There - something cheerful.

The Buddhist mantra I played today was for all the suffering that has been, is, and will be. Hope it helps.

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