Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21, 2010

Today I'll be working on a line of porcelains that are just mine. Chris is making his miniatures for the case at upcoming fairs. The jury accepted me into The Celebration of Craftswomen show at Fort Mason in San Francisco on the first weekend in December. It's a bit of a challenge doing a women-only fair at my age - Chris does most of the heavy lifting these days. I actually did the first of the Celebration of Craftswomen shows over 30 years ago - when it was a small exhibit in the Old Wives Tales Bookstore storefront. Now the show has grown in national recognition. I do like the idea of participating again and making new work of my own. (They'll let men help with the set-up and tear-down, thankfully.) I've got offers of help from daughters and women friends as well - an adventure!

Flora lives on! Every morning I'm prepared to find that she passed away in her sleep, but she endures, with a wag of her tail. The vet didn't have much hope for her. She's the equivalent of a 95 year old human. We offer her breakfast in bed, and she takes a few nibbles from her loving admirers. Blessings on Chris, who keeps her bedding clean.

Today, life is good.


  1. What kind of porcelains do you make Jan? Have I seen some before and assumed they were Chris's?

  2. All the thrown pieces are mine, Annabel...bowls, mugs,vases, etc. If it's handbuilt or sculpted,it's Chris's.
